(this articel english version from "Rumah Adat di Indonesia" )
- Central Java
Architecture or Art Building of the region of Central Java province are grouped into two, namely
· Traditional Architecture
That is the art of building native Java which is still alive and growing in the Java community. The study of art by the Java community building commonly called science or also called Wong Kalang Kalang. Which is the main building in the existing art building Java 5 (five) Types, are:
- Bake-pe, which is building the roof with only one side. The form we have encountered as many places selling drinks, rice and others who are on the edge of the road. If the function can be developed as a neighborhood watch, where the car / garage, factory, and so on.
- Village, which is building the two sides of the roof, a ridge in the middle. Generally as a residence, either incityand villages and in the mountains. The development of this form is also used as a residence.
- Limasan, ie the roof of the building with four sides, a ridge de middle. Especially visible on the roof which has 4 (four) sides of the field, wearing dudur. Mostly for housing. Development with the addition of patio or porch, as well as some rooms will be created forms sinom, curses float, symbol pendants, trajumas, and others. Only the form unusual trajumas used as a residence.
- Joglo or Tikelan, Soko Guru that is building with four sides and roof, a ridge in the middle. Characterized; roof consists of 4 (four) sides of the pillar of the pemidangannya (alengnya) and berblandar intercropping. The building is generally used as a pavilion and also to residence (palace) `
- Tajug or mosque, the roof of the building with Soko Guru 4 sides, without a ridge, so pointed. The main characteristic in the form of a pointed roof, pillar of the beam-beam intercropping, berdenah square, the floor is always above without storey. Used as a sacred place, such as: the mosque, where the king reigns, tomb. There's nothing to shelter.
·· Modern Architecture
That is the art of existing buildings in the province of Central Java which has a mix between art style original building with the influence of art outside the building, or a mixture between the outside with the outside or beyond the original.
For example, the Kudus Mosque, Monument Palagan Ambarawa, Diponegoro Monument in Magelang, Monument Tugu Muda Semarang . etc.
Sumatra Traditional House
· North Sumatra
Custom homes North Sumatra roof made of palm fiber palm tree, with the previously made parts of the girder from bamboo, rattan tied wear. This custom home was not wearing spikes, wall panels and boards are bound by the amplifier is interwoven fibers rigging. Painting done by using clay and color of the leaves or plant forests

Traditional House Riau (House Lancang) Houses Lancang or Pencalang is the name of one of the traditional society Kampar Regency House, Riau Province, Indonesia. In addition to the name or Pencalang Lancang House, The house is also known as House Lontik. Is called Lancang or Pencalang because of foot front wall hangings like boats, house walls form the sloping walls tilt out like a sailboat, and when seen from afar as a house boat Homes (Magon) used to make population. While the name is used because the shape perabung Lontik (ridge) melentik onto its roof.
Aceh Traditional House
Aceh home is home to the stage with a pole between 2.50 to 3 meters high, consists of three or fivespace, with one main room called the vines. The house has 16 rooms with three poles, while the House withfivespace has 24 poles. Modification of three tofivespace or vice versa can be done easily, simply add or remove parts that are left or right side of the house. This section is called sramoe likot or back porch or veranda and sramoe reunyeun bertangga, where the entrance to the house which is always located in the east. The main door house Aceh is always lower than the height of an adult. Usually the height of the door is only the size of 120-150 cm so that everyone who entered the House of Aceh should be lowered. However, once inside, we will feel very airy room in the house because there was no furniture in the form of a chair or table. Everyone sits cross-legged on a mat Ngom (of similar material, weeds growing in marshes) covered with mats .
· West Sumatra Traditional House
The traditional house of West Sumatra is called Tower House . The original custom homes each pole is not vertical or horizontal, but sloped. This is caused by the ancients who came from the sea where only knew how to build ships. The design of this ship is replicated in creating home. Jugat custom house but do not wear nail wear wooden pegs. This caused the area of West Sumatra is prone to earthquakes , both volcanic and tectonic. If dipasak with wood every earthquake will be stronger tie
Traditional House of Papua
Honai is a typical house of Papua. Honai houses made of wood with a conical roof made of straw or reeds. Honai purposely built narrow or small and no windows are intended to withstand the cold mountains of Papua. Honai usually built as high as 2.5 meters and in the middle of the house prepared a place for a bonfire to warm themselves. Honai house is divided into three types, namely for men (called Honai), women (called Ebei), and pigsty (called Wamai).
Wamena custom home community that is circular with a cover of coarse grass that is thick (> 10 cm). This house is called "Honai", Honai is often used as a symbol of Papuan typical traditional house. If you get into this Honai then quite warm and dark inside because there are no windows and only one door. Lighting at night they use firewood in the soil by digging honai didalammnya as a furnace, in addition to light the coals is also beneficial to warm the body. If they do not use bunk beds or mattresses, they are grounded dried grass brought from the garden or fields. Generally they replace if it is too long because there are many hog lice.The Dayak Traditional House
(Future plans there will be a post about houses Dayak tribe in detail)
The traditional houses known as the Dayak tribe Lamin. The form of each custom home Lamin Dayak tribes generally are not much different. Lamin usually facing the river was established. With the basic shape of a rectangular building. Lamin long there that reached 200 meters in width between 20 to 25 meters. In the yard there are some lamin-sized wooden statues of the ancestors is a statue dedication.Lamin-shaped house on stilts (has underneath) using a saddle roof. Height under there that reached 4 meters. To rise to the top of Lamin, used ladder made of tree trunks that ditakik-notch form the steps and stairs can be moved or elevated-down. All this is an attempt to anticipate the threat of enemy attack or the beasts.
Initially, lamin inhabited by many families who inhabit the cubicles in the lamin, but the habit was already fading in the present. The front of the lamin is a long porch that serves as a place of solemnization of marriage, birth, death, harvest festival, etc.. On the back porch there is a row of large cubicles. Each room is inhabited by five families.
Lamin residence of nobles and chiefs usually filled with ornaments or carvings are beautiful start from the pole, wall to roof peak. Ornament at the peak of the roof there are sticking up to 3 or 4 metersTraditional House Sasak (lOMBOK, West Nusa Tenggara)
Sasak tribe is indigenous and ethnic majority in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. As a native, Sasak tribe has had a cultural system as recorded in the book written by Professor Gama Nagara Kartha Nala from Majapahit. In the book, Sasak tribe called "Sak-Sak Mirah Lomboq Adhi." If when the book was composed Sasak tribe has had an established culture system, the ability to exist till today is one proof that the tribe is able to maintain and preserve traditions . One form of evidence Sasak culture is the customary form of house building .
Sasak roofs made of thatch and woven bamboo walls (bedek). The floor is made of clay mixed with buffalo dung and straw ash. Mixture of clay and buffalo dung to make hardened ground floor, as hard as cement. Knowledge makes the floor in a way that is inherited from their ancestors.
The entire building materials (like wood and bamboo) to create a custom home Sasak obtained from the environment around them, even to connect parts of the wood, they use a nail made of bamboo. Traditional Sasak house has only one narrow and low-sized doors, and has no windows.
The Sasak people, home is in the dimension of sacred (holy) and the profane worldly) simultaneously. That is, the traditional Sasak houses and shelters as well as a gathering of family members is also a place of execution of sacred rituals are a manifestation of belief in God, the ancestors (papuk baluk), Epen bale (watchman's house), and etc
transfer knowledge society, the increasing number of residents and changes to other external factors (such as safety factors, geographical, and topographical) causes changes to the function and physical form of the traditional house. Only, the concept of development such as architecture, layout, and the pattern still displays the traditional characteristics that is based on the philosophical values that are transmitted from generation to generationTraditional House Bali
Balinese homes in accordance with the rules of Asta Kosala Kosali (part of the Vedas that govern the layout of the room and building, as Feng Shui in CultureChina)
According to the philosophy of the Balinese community, dynamic in life will be achieved if the realization of a harmonious relationship between aspects Pawongan, Palemahan, and parahyangan. To that end, the construction of a house should include these aspects or the so-called "Tri Hita Karana'''. Pawongan are the occupants of the house. Palemahan means there should be a good relationship between residents and the environment.
In general, building or area of Bali's traditional architecture is always filled with ornaments, a carved, equipment and provision of color. Decorative contain a specific meaning as an expression of the beauty of the symbol - a symbol of communication and delivery. Decorative forms of fauna species also serve as symbols of ritual are displayed in the sculpture .
- Wikipedia
- google.com
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